Everyone has their favorite sin. As much as I hate to admit it, I
like to worry. It keeps my mind occupied when I'm folding laundry or doing dishes. It's so second nature that most of the time I don't recognize that I'm worrying until I've finished wringing my hands about something. "Concerned" has a nice ring to it, so I prefer that term, but stressed and "freaked out" also work! Yeah, it runs in my family line. For some worry is so entrenched in their personalities I can't imagine who they'd be without their "worry." Really, who would I be without my "worry?" It's comfortable. It's also something so repulsive that it makes people wonder whether we really are Christians- or worse- yet not want to become one. There is nothing sadder than a joy-less Christian. I don't want to be one.
Sunday at our church was a day of prayer and repentence. We've always heard that repentence is not just being sorry for sin, but actually changing our ways. Pastor Dwayne gave an illustration of a murderer telling a judge, "I'm sorry I killed that guy. I know it was wrong, but I'll probably do it again." Murder, adultery, stealing.... These are physical sins that seem to me so much easier to decisively give up- and never turn back. But worry, how can I confess my joy-sucking sin and Never turn back? Is this even possible?
I memorized that popular verse as a girl, "Be anxious for nothing..." (Phillipians 4: 6 and 7.) The second half of that verse says that prayer is the remedy for anxiety and worry. No one is perfect, or can be perfect on this side of heaven, but I have to believe that worry is something serious to God and that He is able to give permanent victory. I just have so many other sins that one lifetime isn't long enough for me to recognize them all and work on each and every one.
Matthew chapter 6 has a lot to say about worry, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? (Matthew 6:27.) Science shows us that in fact worry can lead to premature death. The chapter also talks about not worrying about what we will eat, drink or wear... Ugh- that sounds an awful lot like worrying about the economy. How do I take something seriously, discuss it and not "worry" about it? How do I head off worry before it starts? Is it okay to "worry to God" in prayer.
I'm still working through this but I know the first step is changing "I love my sin" into "I hate my sin."
How has God helped you overcome worry? What comfort is God bringing you right now?