Like most people I'm not really a fan of asking for money. During an event like Friendraiser I don't want anyone to accuse me of "hyping it up" even though I know I am guilty of it at times. I want God to be visible and be the real reason that people give to His Radio.
Since I'm being really "real" here, I might as well admit that coming into Friendraiser this year I had faith smaller than a mustard seed (Let's call it "un-faith") that we would meet our goal. The negativity of the news about the economy has weighed me, and many of us, down. Although tough times often bring people to their knees, statistics show people are not going to church more (like they did following September 11th.) I was skeptical that Friendraiser would finish so well, let alone 1 and 1/2 days early! Praise God he is above and over our economy!
This past week has been a wonderful faith journey for me. At one point "Robin" called in and said that listening to His Radio is bringing her husband along spiritually- where he's never been before. She had her car radio set to His Radio. He didn't change it! Robin can see a difference in him just from that one decision.
After Robin called I felt the Holy Spirit telling me to add "Fireproof" to our prize stack. "Fireproof" is a great movie that has helped thousands of marriages and challenged many in their faith. But for me just randomly blurting out on the air that we "needed to" add this prize is not something I would normally do. In fact, even though the prize pack went to someone else, Jim (who was on the air) made sure a copy of the movie got out to Robin and her husband that day! I don't know why, but I'm sure God does!
There were other wonderful things that happened this week. Random prayer times. Phone volunteers stretching to hold hands across the table in prayer. Mark (Station Manager) quietly went back behind some equipment in the back and prayed.
So much of what happened behind the scenes this week during Friendraiser gave God glory and encouraged my faith.
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