A number of local theaters are hosting free family movies on Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the summer. Regal Theatres are hosting their "Free Family Film Festival" while
Marquee Cinemas are having the Kids' Summer Movie Series (which starts this week.)
Last Wednesday my three-year-old, Micah, and I went to the Regal Theatre at North Hills to see "Horton Hears a Who." We arrived about 15 minutes early and followed the crowd of other moms with (mostly) preschoolers in tow into the theatre. The line for refreshments was tremendous, but we were able to slip through and find our way straight into the movie with no problem. We saw a sprinkling of all ages (even a group of teenagers in the front row.) The theatre was approximately 90 percent full, which was less packed than I had expected. We were not uncomfortably smooshed, and thankfully Micah did not have to go to the bathroom! The movie was enjoyable, but as you can expect it was a loud crowd. Not necessarily the kind of loud that comes from an appreciative crowd that laughs at the right times... it was more of a "Outside Voiced Toddler vs. The Movie" kind of noise. The crowd noise wasn't overbearing, but noticeable.
After I visited the Regal Theatre in North Hills a friend told me about the Wakefield Marquee's free movies. Because of the driving hassle and cost of gas, for me, I probably would not have gone again to North Hills. Now knowing there is another theater close-by I'm looking forward to taking both of my kids when my daughter is tracked-out.
If you're planning to go this week, Regal's movies are at 10:00 a.m. and Marquee's are at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Follow this link for more information on other free or inexpensive movies for families in our area:
Thank you very much for this information :)