Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Making Do... and White Shoes

I'm getting ready to attend a conference over the weekend and I need to wear my white high heels. Now normally this wouldn't be a problem, but I just happened to notice that my shoes look like I walked on them sideways down a gravel road! The scuffs and "chunks" look just terrible. Now the old me would go out and buy new shoes. The old and new me are complaining, but I'm going to keep my shoes, wear them this weekend, and wait for a "good month" to buy new shoes. I am going to be wearing nearly floor length pants and a little bit of elbow grease and "White Out" might just do the trick....

It got me to thinking that there are lots of things during this recession that people have done without. A new poll from Slate.com http://www.slate.com/id/2223471/?gt1=38001 indicates that many of us are giving up trips and going out to eat, but some of us are even delaying a family or are unable to spend time with family because they've taken a second job. What sacrifice have you made during this recession. I'd love to know!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

5 Painless Ways to Save Money

I love this picture... maybe it's because I grew up with the saying "A penny saved is a penny earned" or maybe it's because I find myself looking down in the parking lot along with my kids trying to find lost pennies (or quarters or dollar coins!!) Anyway, if we can stretch our money in a way that's "doable" I am all for it.! Here are a few painless ways to save money that we discussed on the show:
1. Experiment with what you really "need." Do you really need two cans of tomatoes in the recipe if one would work? Do you really have to go all the way over the end of the brush with the toothpaste? Would a 6 minute shower be just as refreshing as a 7 minute shower? Find what you're willing to give on and see the savings add up!
2. Swap garden veggies with a friend, and save on produce at the store.
3. Find new recipes that include the use of dried beans. They are plentiful, inexpensive and full of protein. Check out www.allrecipes.com or www.recipezaar.com.
4. Buy presents for children that are add-ons to what they already have- such as doll clothing instead of a whole new doll. Train cars and tracks can be added to train sets.
5. Buy extra school supplies now! These can be used as end-of-school gifts for the teacher, for school auctions, or for your child later in the year.
Check out more ideas like these in the book, The Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn (pronounced "Decision") I wish she were still writing, because this book from the 90s is sooo timely!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Making a Difference from Your Computer!

As the world becomes smaller, it appears as though Internet evangelism may be the most effective (and cheapest) place to do evangelism. For those who desire to search out issues of faith without the discomfort of visiting a new church, Campus Crusade for Christ has an effective global online ministry solely dedicated to leading people to Christ. Could there be a more meaningful volunteer opportunity?

During the month of June CCC's Global Media Outreach recorded over 1 million decisions for Christ (including faith re-dedications.) One million in one month! As you can guess, "the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." If you would like to volunteer with Campus Crusade for Christ as an online missionary, find out more information through this link: http://http//www.christianpost.com/article/20090716/ccc-media-ministry-records-over-1m-decisions-for-christ-in-1-month/index.html

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Consignment Sales and Swaps!

Here's the link I promised about upcoming consignment sales (finishing out July-October.) I was especially excited about the sale that doesn't require cash (Barter4Kids.) It seems as though bartering would be a great choice for families without a paycheck or any of us who enjoy creative ways to stretch the budget. http://http//www.trianglemom2mom.com/content/2009-fall-consignment-sale-season

I once received a great tip about back to school shopping- buy kids only one new outfit a piece before school starts. This outfit can be off the summer clearance rack because IT IS SUMMER. After school starts (October-ish) the fall clothing often goes down in price and that is a good time to pick up any other cool weather items and essentials for a child's wardrobe.

Friday, July 10, 2009

There is Always Someone Hurting Worse...

I was on the phone with my friend Angela when she received a call on the other line. It was her homeless friend. Angela has been ministering to a young woman who has a baby and has been living on the streets, struggling with substance abuse for 15 years. Angela's plate is full with a large family and a husband who is looking for employment. Still she finds time to help others less fortunate than herself.

Someone without a paycheck helping someone without a home... The scenario struck me as ironic and so Jesus-like. Instead of sitting around a moping about her situation Angela is ministering.

Then there's Andrea Bigelow... You may have heard about her in the news. She's a former claims adjuster who lost her job and now she's widely known as one of the best cake and dessert bakers in the Durham area. She told NBC17, "We're still eating, we still have a roof over our head, we're still able to send our son to private school," she said. "Prayer works."

I know for me when life doesn't go the way I expected it to- even the way I thought God had promised or led- it's easy to become bitter and self-absorbed. People like Angela and Andrea inspire me because they are turning their difficult circumstances into something God is using for good.

Monday, July 6, 2009

A New Perspective on Life

This weekend I had the chance to talk with two wonderful ladies at a local nursing home.

As I saw Beth coming into the activity room I could tell she was quite a bit younger than most of the residents there. It turns out Beth had a stroke at the young age of 42. She went from the hospital to a nursing home for recovery. Her husband told her that since she wasn't there to take care of the cats, he was going to put them in an animal shelter. In order to save her cats from that fate, she chose to leave the nursing home- before she was really ready. Eventually her husband left her and she is now living back at a nursing home trying to recover so she can live independantly. Beth said that prior to her stroke she really didn't think much about God having a purpose for her life, but now she knows that God has preserved her life for a reason.

Then there's Esie. Esie was in an accident and is now wheelchair bound. Her daughter took care of her for some time until Esie told her to go on with her life and put her in the nursing home. Esie said, "I really like it here and I know God has me here for a purpose."

Both of these women would never have chosen to live in a nursing home before their time. Yet both of them have a wonderful perspective, God still has a plan for me. It was such a blessing to talk with them and be reminded that God has a plan for me, in my life today. If you are still here- God has a plan for You!