I'm getting ready to attend a conference over the weekend and I need to wear my white high heels. Now normally this wouldn't be a problem, but I just happened to notice that my shoes look like I walked on them sideways down a gravel road! The scuffs and "chunks" look just terrible. Now the old me would go out and buy new shoes. The old and new me are complaining, but I'm going to keep my shoes, wear them this weekend, and wait for a "good month" to buy new shoes. I am going to be wearing nearly floor length pants and a little bit of elbow grease and "White Out" might just do the trick....
It got me to thinking that there are lots of things during this recession that people have done without. A new poll from Slate.com http://www.slate.com/id/2223471/?gt1=38001 indicates that many of us are giving up trips and going out to eat, but some of us are even delaying a family or are unable to spend time with family because they've taken a second job. What sacrifice have you made during this recession. I'd love to know!