As the world becomes smaller, it appears as though Internet evangelism may be the most effective (and cheapest) place to do evangelism. For those who desire to search out issues of faith without the discomfort of visiting a new church, Campus Crusade for Christ has an effective global online ministry solely dedicated to leading people to Christ. Could there be a more meaningful volunteer opportunity?
During the month of June CCC's Global Media Outreach recorded over 1 million decisions for Christ (including faith re-dedications.) One million in one month! As you can guess, "the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." If you would like to volunteer with Campus Crusade for Christ as an online missionary, find out more information through this link: http://http//www.christianpost.com/article/20090716/ccc-media-ministry-records-over-1m-decisions-for-christ-in-1-month/index.html
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