#25 "[Certain items used for birth control] have always been advertised on television."
"The list" is out and reading it this year I don't feel necessarily "old", but I do feel a strong sense of being an alien on my own planet! Every year since 1998 Beloit College in Beloit, WI has put together a list of telling facts about the lives and experiences of incoming college freshmen. Their site receives over 300,000 hits a year, so it's definitely worth the read at http://www.beloit.edu/mindset/.
Did you know, for example:
Most have never seen a TV set with only 13 channels, nor have they seen a black & white TV.
They have always had cable.
There have always been VCRs, but they have no idea what Beta is.
They cannot fathom what it was like not having a remote control.
They were born the year Walkmen were introduced by Sony.
"The Tonight Show" has always been with Jay Leno.
But there was something about that #25 (about the birth control mehod advertisements) that hit me very strangely. Finally realized why... I HAVE MISSED A COLLEGE FRESHMAN'S LIFETIME WORTH OF TV! I have never seen ONE of those commercials in my life. Have I really lived in that much of a cave? (Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, I guess.)
Did you know, for example:
Most have never seen a TV set with only 13 channels, nor have they seen a black & white TV.
They have always had cable.
There have always been VCRs, but they have no idea what Beta is.
They cannot fathom what it was like not having a remote control.
They were born the year Walkmen were introduced by Sony.
"The Tonight Show" has always been with Jay Leno.
But there was something about that #25 (about the birth control mehod advertisements) that hit me very strangely. Finally realized why... I HAVE MISSED A COLLEGE FRESHMAN'S LIFETIME WORTH OF TV! I have never seen ONE of those commercials in my life. Have I really lived in that much of a cave? (Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, I guess.)
As I entered college in 1992 (okay that dates me!) I didn't have a TV in my dorm room. When Andy and I got married right out of college we decided TV was "too addictive" so we opted to not purchase one. A few years later we bought a DVD player for our computer to watch movies. We have borrowed TVs to watch specials, Christmas movies, the Olympics, for family get-togethers, but it has not been a normal part of our lives. (By the way, I do follow "American Idol", just online instead.) We keep up on culture, movies, politics, and news through the internet, newspapers, and obviously- RADIO! (I do have to add that when I do watch TV and see how old some of the actors, actresses, and news anchors look, it shocks me because some of them I haven't see in over 15 years!)
I honestly appreciate not having a TV because it forces us to find creative activities to do together as a family, and with all the craziness associated with our work and school schedules there really isn't much time to watch anything anyway. There are only 1-2% of Americans who do not have a TV in their homes. The Beloit list gave me a look at what I am "missing", although I am thankful to have my memories of a more wholesome world- even if I am living in a time warp!
Is there anything else you think I might have "missed" by not having a television? I'd love to know your thoughts (and your help in filling in my cultural gaps!)
I am happy to be without a TV. I occasionally watch TV in the breakroom, but seeing the commercials and what's on... I don't miss it a bit! (Except during football season!) I'm happy to be one of the 1-2% without a TV. October is coming, and it's turn off the TV month. I challenge everyone to do just that. Spend some time with your family without the TV doing all the talking. You might discover that TV is not so important!
ReplyDeleteI don't think you are mssing very much friend. I am often tempted (maybe convicted?!?!?!) to throw ours right out the back door!
ReplyDeleteLast night, as I was falling asleep and Nathan was finishing up some reading (so I am really not sure WHY it was even on!) I heard a commercial for the "morning after pill". It struck me that in the few years since this abortifacient has become legal, we have gone to the other end of the specrum. Now, it isn't just that it is legal and available- it is being encouraged as effective birth control. Yes, we are aliens here for sure.