Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Four Fun Things for $20

Feb. 17, 2009


Oftentimes when budgets are tight we squeeze "fun money" right out of the picture. Doing this only irks us and makes us (me!) less willing to follow a budget. If you only have $20 here are some fun things to do that will feel like a real treat:

1. Surprise yourself. Hide a $20 bill in a pocket of a piece of clothing you rarely wear or a purse you won't use until next season. When you find it you'll remember treating yourself and can spoil yourself then. Delayed gratification.

2. Flowers to brighten your mood and home. Buy a large bunch of flowers from the grocery store and put them in small vases around your house. Carnations are a long-lasting color treat.

3. Have a ladies slumber party with a chick flick and food. Do each other's nails, hair and make-up if you dare! Caution: You may not want to allow this to be a make-up/women's products sales opportunity for friends who have at-home businesses, since the party may lose its budget-friendliness.

4. Go to the make-up counter- and BUY something! Get pampered at a make-up counter at the mall and buy one of those products you've never splurged on before. A $20 tube of lipstick... You're worth it!

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