Despite the beautiful colors and parades, I have always had this almost creepy feeling about the whole Mardi Gras thing...
If I understand it correctly there is this big "Fat Tuesday" (today) celebration where people gorge themselves and participate in (often immoral) behaviors they hope to forget so they can be chaste and meat-free for the next forty. At its origin the Lenten season is supposed to draw us closer to Christ as we identify with his sacrifice on the cross by giving up something we care about (oftentimes meat, thus all the sudden focus on fish sandwiches at fast food joints.) The Bible calls us to an even more challenging ordinance of fasting.
I personally have been challenged by the words of the late Bill Bright on the subject of fasting. He said, "Fasting was an expected discipline in both the Old and New Testament eras. For example, Moses fasted at least two recorded forty-day periods. Jesus fasted 40 days and reminded His followers to fast, 'when you fast,' not if you fast. "
Forty days... I can't even keep my New Year's Resolutions that long, let alone go without food. I am humbled. Read more about the whys and hows of fasting from Campus Crusade for Christ International at: http://http//www.ccci.org/growth/growing-closer-to-god/how-to-fast/02-why-you-should-fast.aspx
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