Rush of Fools is in concert, 7pm on Friday Feb. 20th at Aversboro Road Baptist Church in Garner. I have been very impressed with the guys' stance on purity from sexual addiction. Many Christian artists have a cause that they partner with (such as Compassion International or World Vision.) Rush of Fools is raising the awareness of addiction to pornography through Freedom Begins Here. According to this ministry, statistics show 50% of Christian men and 20% of Christian women have a sexual addiction. It's not just "out there" it's a problem that's "in here." Kudos to these great guys for having the guts to raise awareness about this tough topic. By the way, you can find out more information on this ministry at freedombeginshere.com or at Friday's concert! By the way, be sure to stop by the His Radio Booth!
I would also recommend the website www.settingcaptivesfree.com for those who struggle with addictions (sexual and others as well). One of the best sites on the Internet!