I have been reading the incredible book by Dr. David Jeremiah, "What in the World is Going On?" It is an easy to understand overview of the book of Revelation and look at current events in light of Biblical prophesy.
I have been amazed at how many things in the news seem to move us quickly in the direction of the Lord's return. I often read a Christian look at the news through the website http://www.christianpost.com/. An article yesterday entitled "Ex-Muslim Warns West of Plot to Impose Islamic Law" caught my eye. According to Dr. Jeremiah, the fight over control of the oil in the Middle East (and the Muslim desire to overpower Jews and Christians) fits directly into the end times. I won't dig too deep here, but I do highly recommend the book. Just don't read it right before bed...
Anyway, keeping in mind the Jeremiah book, I stopped at the Wake Forest library and discovered a new book called, "How to Profit from the Coming Rapture: Getting Ahead When You're Left Behind." The title intrigued me and I just had to find out where the authors were coming from. Turns out the book is a joke. The fictional "financial experts" (who are Jewish) give advice for those who have no intention of following Christ and want to make money on those who are suffering. A lot of the advice is tongue and cheek, with a twist on tips we heard prior to Y2K. (Yes I still have a generator from back then!) Collect gallon jugs of water, with a drop of bleach. Stockpile canned food. Collect firearms. Overall the book makes the Bible and those who believe in a literal Rapture look, to put it nicely, ridiculous.
The book did however get me to thinking about the growing number of people who have read the Bible, have considered it could be true, and simply choose to reject it. Self-made men, Mavericks, those who pull themselves up by their bootstraps... don't see a need for Christ. But the truth still rings out "...at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." (Phillippians 2:10 and 11.)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You are now fulfilling the Bible which says "Come now, and let us repeat together."
Be sure to repeat what Walvoord, Lindsey, LaHaye, Ice etc. repeat what their own teachers repeat what their own teachers repeat etc. etc. etc.!
Repeat that Christ's return is imminent because we're told to "watch" (Matt. 24, 25) for it. So is the "day of God" (II Pet. 3:12) - which you admit is at least 1000 years ahead - also imminent because we're told to be "looking for" it?
Also repeat the pretrib myths about the "Jewish wedding stages" and "Jewish feasts" (where's your "church/Israel dichotomy" now?) even though Christ and Paul knew nothing about a "pretrib stage" and neither did any official theological creed or organized church before 1830!
You should read "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty" on the "Powered by Christ Ministries" site to find out why you shouldn't repeat everything your pretrib teachers repeat.
Do I have to repeat this?
(Just saw this web item & am sharing it. Thanks for your interesting blog. In Christ, Irv)
I don't know what "Irv" is talking about, but I know the Bible says to watch and wait for the Lord's return. I don't care about "pretrib myths" but I do care what God says. I Thes. 5:2 makes it clear that the Lord's return will be sudden and unexpected. When He comes, I want to be ready!