I was in the middle of an ordinary conversation with my mom when a call came in on her other line. I was glad to hold, but shocked with the news the caller had passed along. One of my best guy friends from high school, Shane, was dead- He had been murdered. I burst into tears. My co-editor of our school newsletter, Charlie Brown in our high school musical- He was dead and I didn't know why! He was the sweetest guy in our tiny class of 24 students and a fellow Chicago Cubs fan. Everyone who knew him liked him. I couldn't imagine him having an enemy in the world. How could this happen?
At the funeral, details began to emerge... something about a girl in the car with him prior to the murder. I asked some of Shane's co-workers whether this was his girlfriend. I couldn't imagine what pain a wife or girlfriend would be feeling at that time and hoped to comfort her at the funeral. "Girlfriend?!"The looks on these co-workers' faces made me wonder what I'd said wrong. I later learned.
In 2002 my friend Shane was murdered because of his homosexual lifestyle. I never knew that was the path he'd chosen, I just knew he was a nice guy. It broke my heart to see him killed before I found out about his homosexuality- as it does today.
According to the Christian Post, over 20 Christian-based conservative groups have called for the massive walkout from middle and high schools participating Friday's Day of Silence event, arguing that the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)'s sponsored event politicizes the classroom to support the belief that homosexuality is moral. Campaign for California Families said the demonstration will serve as financial "leverage" to get the message across, saying public schools in California lose $100 a day for each child absent.
Another Christian group calls for the Golden Rule Pledge, students pass out cards (such as the one above) indicating they will "Do to others as you'd have them do to you."
Warren Throckmorton, PhD Associate Professor of Psychology and Fellow for Public Policy and Psychology at Grove City College wrote the following on the Golden Rule Pledge website:
"I know that many evangelicals feel conflict about an event like the Day of Silence. Despite moral misgivings about homosexuality, they loathe judgmental disrespect, harassment or violence toward any one, including their gay friends and neighbors. Are we missing a teachable moment... Without altering convictions about sexuality, I propose that evangelicals should have something more to contribute than a protest toward the elimination of hostility and aggression against gay people and other people who are viewed as different. Indeed, we should be leading the way to make schools safe and build bridges to those who often equate “Christian” with condemnation."
Indeed I have to say these are very different and valid responses to the Day of Silence.
If you'd like to know more about the Golden Rule Pledge or to print off pledge cards of your own, go to: http://goldenrulepledge.com/
I've had mixed feelings regarding this day too Brittney, thank you for presenting this content it gives me more to think about. This is such a huge debate that I feel like I almost run into issues like this on a daily basis and it can be so hard to find a balance between defending my Christian beliefs and accepting my gay and lesbian friends and co-workers.
ReplyDeleteI think the Golden Rule Pledge may be the best way to balance that, at least it is a good option to have! Thanks!
Enjoy listening to your program every afternoon!
OT -- Brittney, get a BETTA fish!! They last MUCH longer than a goldfish!! AT least in my experience.. or maybe I was just a bad goldfish mom! haha! ;-) But seriously though, we had a betta fish that lived nearly 4 years which is a long time for a fish!! At least in my own experience! ;-)