Our family made some "recession era" changes to our eating out about a year ago when we took the "Financial Peace University" course offered at our church. It was eye-opening experience for us to discover how much money we were spending on food of all types- groceries and eating out.
To be very honest we have become a fast food family, by necessity. At least that has been the case until the last couple of weeks!
Two weeks ago I learned about a popular sit-down place with a club I could join. (I can't mention its name, but it does have something to do with a favorite day of the week!) Anyway, as a new member of their "club" I received a coupon for a free appetizer and a "Buy One Entree, Get One for a $1." Crazy enough, the night we brought our coupons it was also Kids' Night. The waiter not only took BOTH our coupons but ALSO allowed our kids to have the free Kids Meals. Basic story: full price for one entree, one for a $1, an appetizer and two meals free!!
Another shocker was a visit on Saturday after the Fayetteville Dogwood Festival to a popular burger and shake place (again, use your imagination here.) I had a $2 off coupon for my meal and it was Kids Night. We had great food and my extra huge meal came with a shake and two extra sides that really helped fill up the family. Total cost: $14 for a family of 4!
So have you been working the system? What great food deals have you found at area restaurants? I'd love to hear your stories!
I just love McDonald's and their value menu. A double cheeseburger, Sweet Tea, and a Large fry for $3.19! Can't beat it! Okay, maybe it isn't very healthy, but it sure tastes good!