Thursday, July 23, 2009

5 Painless Ways to Save Money

I love this picture... maybe it's because I grew up with the saying "A penny saved is a penny earned" or maybe it's because I find myself looking down in the parking lot along with my kids trying to find lost pennies (or quarters or dollar coins!!) Anyway, if we can stretch our money in a way that's "doable" I am all for it.! Here are a few painless ways to save money that we discussed on the show:
1. Experiment with what you really "need." Do you really need two cans of tomatoes in the recipe if one would work? Do you really have to go all the way over the end of the brush with the toothpaste? Would a 6 minute shower be just as refreshing as a 7 minute shower? Find what you're willing to give on and see the savings add up!
2. Swap garden veggies with a friend, and save on produce at the store.
3. Find new recipes that include the use of dried beans. They are plentiful, inexpensive and full of protein. Check out or
4. Buy presents for children that are add-ons to what they already have- such as doll clothing instead of a whole new doll. Train cars and tracks can be added to train sets.
5. Buy extra school supplies now! These can be used as end-of-school gifts for the teacher, for school auctions, or for your child later in the year.
Check out more ideas like these in the book, The Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn (pronounced "Decision") I wish she were still writing, because this book from the 90s is sooo timely!

1 comment:

  1. I remember when I was a kid finding $5 in the movie theater parking lot. I was able to buy popcorn, candy, and a soda pop! Wow! Big time! Nowdays, the five dollars wouldn't pay for the medium bag of popcorn. But I think anytime you can save money, it's just like picking up a free penny off the ground. The old saying is still true, "A penny saved is a penny earned!"
