Thursday, February 26, 2009

After the Show... What I'm Reading

Recent Reads: Still Growing, By Kirk Cameron. Just had to read this book because I love the movie "Fireproof." I'd have to say this autobiography both took me back to my boy crazy days when I watched Kirk twirl in his leather jacket and shades and made me respect what a wonderful Christian man he has become. I didn't know what life as a child actor was like and this book gave me an understanding of what his crazy life entailed. Imagine a spread of all the bagels, muffins and candy you could eat- every day on the set! (That was definitely prior to the "low carb craze!") He had tutors, people to fulfill his every need, fans mobbing him, but intense work days and a stable loving non-Hollywood-ish family. The thing that probably most surprised me was how "mild" Kirk himself was compared to his "wild" character Mike Seaver.

I'm also reading: The Tightwad Gazette by Amy Dacyczyn (This is a great reference book to have around, especially in a struggling economy.) and Christoper Lowell's Seven Layers of Organization (Because I've kept so many things per the "Tightwad" book, I need to declutter!)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Spring Cleaning- Fun for the Whole Family?!

Spring Cleaning...
I've read way too many articles about the subject and few take into account- well, "life" actually. We have jobs and oftentimes spouses and kids. We can't just drop responsiblities or our families to get a clean home. But how do you get helpful "recruits" for large, daunting tasks? My nine-year-old thinks that dusting is fun... I'll take that while I have it! I'm curious, how do you get your children involved in Spring Cleaning? Post your comments below.
In the meantime, here are a few Spring Cleaning Tips courtesy of P&G Everyday Solutions:

*Tackle woodwork and corners. Wet a paper towel with a mix of water and a little gentle, multisurface cleaner. Wring it out thoroughly. Wrap it around the handle end of a mop or broom and run it along ceilings and walls.

*Wake up the windows. Wash windows inside and out. Then, spruce up drapes and window treatments; send the dirtiest drapes to the cleaners.

*Dust furniture and decor. Brighten up your home by dusting furniture, picture frames, knickknacks and decorations.

*Catch up on laundry. Make your mountains of laundry more manageable; finish ironing and get some help with the folding. **My three-year-old loves to run off his energy by taking freshly folded clothes to their proper rooms. The piles aren't perfect, but at least this gives him a job.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The "Last Hurrah"- or Something More?

Pintaflores by Farl

Despite the beautiful colors and parades, I have always had this almost creepy feeling about the whole Mardi Gras thing...

If I understand it correctly there is this big "Fat Tuesday" (today) celebration where people gorge themselves and participate in (often immoral) behaviors they hope to forget so they can be chaste and meat-free for the next forty. At its origin the Lenten season is supposed to draw us closer to Christ as we identify with his sacrifice on the cross by giving up something we care about (oftentimes meat, thus all the sudden focus on fish sandwiches at fast food joints.) The Bible calls us to an even more challenging ordinance of fasting.

I personally have been challenged by the words of the late Bill Bright on the subject of fasting. He said, "Fasting was an expected discipline in both the Old and New Testament eras. For example, Moses fasted at least two recorded forty-day periods. Jesus fasted 40 days and reminded His followers to fast, 'when you fast,' not if you fast. "
Forty days... I can't even keep my New Year's Resolutions that long, let alone go without food. I am humbled. Read more about the whys and hows of fasting from Campus Crusade for Christ International at: http://http//

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Great Free Organizational Tool!

I am always looking for organizational tools that help simplify my life. You may have heard me mention (pronounced "cozy") on the "Drive Home." It is a website where you can organize your grocery list, schedule, reminders, and family journal all in one place. Check it out for yourself- it's free!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ice Cream for 50 Cents

My kids recently received a valentine card from their Great-Grandma with a one dollar bill inside. The card had a note which read, "Go out for ice cream with this." I scratched my head and wondered, "So which kid does she want to have an ice cream cone?" It all came clear to me later on in a phone convesation when she said, "I don't know if you can still buy a cone for 50 cents or not..." Times, they are a-changing... I couldn't help but wonder, "How long has it been since someone took my grandma out of ice cream?" We'll be heading to Iowa to see my family in a couple of weeks and I think it's time to take Grandma out!

So what's the best place in your neighborhood for ice cream? How about the best deal on ice cream?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Purity is Very Manly!

Rush of Fools is in concert, 7pm on Friday Feb. 20th at Aversboro Road Baptist Church in Garner. I have been very impressed with the guys' stance on purity from sexual addiction. Many Christian artists have a cause that they partner with (such as Compassion International or World Vision.) Rush of Fools is raising the awareness of addiction to pornography through Freedom Begins Here. According to this ministry, statistics show 50% of Christian men and 20% of Christian women have a sexual addiction. It's not just "out there" it's a problem that's "in here." Kudos to these great guys for having the guts to raise awareness about this tough topic. By the way, you can find out more information on this ministry at or at Friday's concert! By the way, be sure to stop by the His Radio Booth!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Decluttering- Inside and Out

I love the idea of decluttering, it's the execution that's another thing... A quick scan of my bookshelf and you'll find titles like Clean Sweep: Conquer the Clutter and The Learning Annex Presents: Uncluttering Your Space. I desire to have a simple, clutter-free home, but if you were to take a look in my closets you'd know that it's more of a concept that is celebrated rather than lived.

The same can be true in my or "our" (I hope I'm not alone in this!) spiritual lives. The first chapter of James talks about people who read the Book, but don't live what they read in the Scriptures:

James 1:22 "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does."

It's easy to read the Bible or go to church and shout an "Amen", but living out what it says is a different thing. Kind of like keeping 17 pairs of shoes lined up straight...

Four Fun Things for $20

Feb. 17, 2009


Oftentimes when budgets are tight we squeeze "fun money" right out of the picture. Doing this only irks us and makes us (me!) less willing to follow a budget. If you only have $20 here are some fun things to do that will feel like a real treat:

1. Surprise yourself. Hide a $20 bill in a pocket of a piece of clothing you rarely wear or a purse you won't use until next season. When you find it you'll remember treating yourself and can spoil yourself then. Delayed gratification.

2. Flowers to brighten your mood and home. Buy a large bunch of flowers from the grocery store and put them in small vases around your house. Carnations are a long-lasting color treat.

3. Have a ladies slumber party with a chick flick and food. Do each other's nails, hair and make-up if you dare! Caution: You may not want to allow this to be a make-up/women's products sales opportunity for friends who have at-home businesses, since the party may lose its budget-friendliness.

4. Go to the make-up counter- and BUY something! Get pampered at a make-up counter at the mall and buy one of those products you've never splurged on before. A $20 tube of lipstick... You're worth it!