Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So What's on Your Reading List?

President Barack Obama released his summer vacation reading list, which includes the following:

*The Way Home, a crime thriller based in Washington, D.C.;*Lush Life, a story of race and class set in New York's Lower East Side;*Tom Friedman's Hot, Flat and Crowded, on the benefits to America of an environmental revolution;*John Adams, and *Plainsong a drama about the life of eight different characters living in a Colorado prairie community.

Some have said President Obama's list is rather boring compared to George W. Bush's lists and not as ambitious as Bill Clinton's lists of a dozen books or more. My own reading list has been fairly short:

*It Takes So Little to Be Above Average, by Florence Littauer

Description: Nobody wants to be average, ordinary, run-of-the-mill. We'd rather be unique, inspiring, above average! Why continue to trudge down the middle lane of life when there's so much more to experience? Florence Littauer shares her formula for a rich life.

*For the Write Reason: 31 Writers, Agents and Editors Share Their Experiences with Christian Publishing, by Marybeth Whalen

Description: Drawing on the wisdom of experienced writers, agents and editors, this book offers writers of all levels a valuable source of encouragement and wisdom. By combining personal stories with an in-depth Bible study, you can delve into God's calling to write in your own life.

(My summer reading list would be much longer if I were to include all the dozens of children's books I read per week. How many kids books does it take to equal a REAL book, anyway?!)

On a regular basis you'll find me reading the following websites:
(and many local news sources)

So what have you had the chance to read this summer? What websites do you frequent and what do they say about you? I'd love to know!

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