Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Adopt a Soldier- Fort Bragg
Fort Bragg's "Adopt A Soldier" Program gives the civilian community an opportunity to show their support of deployed Soldiers on an individual and personal basis. The "adoption" involves sending letters and care packages for the duration of the Soldier's deployment (usually a year).
The Soldiers who sign up to participate in the program are from units based here at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Although the majority of the Soldiers participating are younger/lower enlisted; any Soldier interested in receiving support/recognition may participate in the program. We do not maintain any personal information on the Soldiers for this program (i.e. age, race, marital status, etc.).
Most people try to send a letter once a week and a care package once a month. It usually takes at least 7-10 days for a letter to reach them; and 10-14 days for packages. You must fill out a customs form for each care package listing the enclosed items, their weight and their cost.You can call the Expedited Package Supply Center at 1-800-610-8734 and ask for a priority mail "Military Kit." They will send you boxes, envelopes, tape, customs forms...everything you need! There should be"special" boxes in the kit with a red circle that have "Flat Rate Box"on them. You put as much as you possibly can into these boxes and regardless of the weight, the post office will send them for a flat rate of $8.10. Some of them can buy snack food and hygiene items at little stores the Army has set up...but others are in too remote of areas.
Thanks again for wanting to show your support of our heroes,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Ministering to Others on Thanksgiving Day
On Thanksgiving Day, the Northside Community Church (of Knightdale) prepares and cooks meals for over 500 area individuals and families. If you would like to help, the meals are prepared at the Family Circus Restaurant, which is located on Wake Forest Road in downtown Raleigh, from 8:00a.m. to 2:00p.m. (Contact them at 919-261-8929.)
The Durham Rescue Mission, located on Main St. in Durham, also provides opportunities for volunteers. On Thanksgiving Day, the Mission hosts their Annual Thanksgiving Community Dinner. In addition to serving a free Thanksgiving meal, the Mission gives away free groceries and clothing, including winter coats. Volunteers are needed for a number of activities, including site set-up, meal preparation and clean-up, and the distribution of clothing and groceries. Staff is also needed to operate game booths for the children that will be in attendance. Donations of food and clothing are also welcomed. (Contact them at 919-688-9641.)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Recipe Swap- Best Thanksgiving Side Dishes
Bette Ann's (Brittney's Mom) Famous Sweet Potatoes
*Melt in a saucepan a 1/2 Stick of Margarine
*Add 1/3 C. Orange Juice and 3/4 C. Brown Sugar
(Cook above ingredients until melted together and slight boil)
*In a small bowl combine 2 1/2 Tablespoons of Cornstarch and water until smooth. Add this mixture to the other ingredients in the saucepan to thicken sauce.
*Drain one large can of sweet potatoes (or yams) and put in casserole dish. Cover the sweet potatoes with sauce and cook at 350 degrees until bubbly (approximately 20 minutes.) Enjoy!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Triangle Restaurants Open on Thanksgiving
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Helping Charities When Money is Tight
Monday, October 26, 2009
And the Winners Are...

My personal favorite was the Snickers with yummy, melt-y, carmel-y, chocolate, plus the texture the peanuts provided. The HoHo had a nice cake-y structure surrounded by the deep fried batter, however the white filling was MIA. It appeared to have been baked out (or baked in.)
Thanks for your votes and thanks for the fun!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Deep Fried Suggestions- Vote for State Fair Food I Should Eat
I tend to be the funnel cake type, but I'd like to branch out and try something new. I will try the State Fair food that receives the most votes (comments) here prior to Friday's Jeremy Camp concert. (I'll even be sure to get a pic of me eating "His Radio's Best Loved [Fried] State Fair Food.")
Have you been to the State Fair this year? Tell me what fried food you'd recommend.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Confessions of a "No guy"
I go through times, probably like you, when I am battle weary. I am weary because for as long as I can remember I have fought (losing) battles. Growing up listening to programs which encouraged my parents to "write their congressmen" and "call the White House switchboard" I learned the importance of being an active citizen and defending what is Biblically right with the freedom offered voters in our country.
I'm the "No guy." Saying "no" to everything from "pro-choice" to "sexual freedom" and this language makes me feel like the bad guy in this battle of verbiage. "Defending the faith" is a statement we commonly use, but perhaps the reason we lose so often in the marketplace is because we are on the defense and not on the offense.
It's widely known that Christians in music, books, and media are primarily imitators. We see something that works in the secular world and we simply shift the marketing to suit the Christian public. We are often six months too late and unoriginal. (If you need an example just look at knock offs like the "Sunday School Musical" DVD or "Conservapedia" which is claims to be more Christian-friendly than Wikipedia.) How would the world be different today if a Christian had originated either "High School Musical" or Wikipedia?
Not to downplay the validity of the putting out moral fires as they come, but what if we anticipated fires in advance and assembled an army when there is a moral consensus? Child pornography is a battle Americans who care about children have a general agreement about- it is horribly wrong. Why not mobilize on this issue NOW instead of in 10 years? This is a war where we can win by being on the OFFENSIVE. This beats putting out last minute fires, winning a few battles and losing the war.
So how about becoming Christian innovators and changing the face of technology? How about fighting a winning battle together and celebrating the chance to be "Yes Men!"
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The Power of Tears
Even today professional mourners call up funeral directors and offer their services, for a price. I understand one professional mourner who garnered a large sum ($50,000!) actually tore out chunks of her hair as she mourned during Marilyn Monroe's funeral.
I know for me when I am at a funeral I find it so refreshing to be with someone who is moved to tears. It is both contagious and freeing. One person's expression seems to give the group permission to let down their guard emotionally.
"Jesus wept." John 11:35
The shortest verse in the Bible struck me in a new way this week. Those two little words tell us that Jesus was willing to be vulnerable, and for a moment "feel" instead of "fix." His friend Lazarus (who he would later raise from the dead!) had just passed away and his emotions welled up. He felt sorry for the crowd and Lazarus's sisters Mary and Martha. He did what the book of Romans calls, "mourning with those who mourn."
A few friends who get probably the worst rap in the Bible are Job's friends who provide him nearly 40 chapters of bad advice. (Not much different than mid-afternoon TV!) Anyway, in Job's friends' defense, when Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar heard that Job had lost his possessions, his children, and was physically sick they "met together by agreement to go and sympathize with him and comfort him. (Job 2:11) The three men wept alound and sat with Job in silence and tears for seven days. Seven days! (How many women could be quiet for seven days?!) These are rare friends!
In our crazy lives it is easy for us each to become too busy to take on each other's pain. The impending divorce... The lost job... The wayward teen... But as Jesus showed us, being a true friend means being willing to shed real tears because of love for the hurting.
When I think about my own funeral someday I don't want plastic, paid-off mourners but true friends who are both thankful for my home-going and heart-sick. Emotion at the end of life begins with emotional investment in others now.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
$20 House?
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
"The Flood" Remembered
Flooded homes and flooded cars...even lost lives. According to www.noaa.gov, "Damages are estimated to be $1.6 billion in Pitt County, North Carolina alone, and total storm damages have surpassed the $6 billion caused by Hurricane Fran in 1996."
But even as Hurricane Floyd brought devastating loss, it also brought North Carolinians together. Looking back at your own experience during Hurricane Floyd, how did someone go above and beyond to reach out to you? I'd love to hear your story!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
The New Black... "Layaway" (Or at least a way to stay in the black!)

Tracy from Rocky Mount used layaway this past Christmas and she said she also used it to buy school supplies this year.
Do you think you’ll use layaway this Christmas?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Did Jesus Die for Little Green Men?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
So What's on Your Reading List?
*The Way Home, a crime thriller based in Washington, D.C.;*Lush Life, a story of race and class set in New York's Lower East Side;*Tom Friedman's Hot, Flat and Crowded, on the benefits to America of an environmental revolution;*John Adams, and *Plainsong a drama about the life of eight different characters living in a Colorado prairie community.
Some have said President Obama's list is rather boring compared to George W. Bush's lists and not as ambitious as Bill Clinton's lists of a dozen books or more. My own reading list has been fairly short:
*It Takes So Little to Be Above Average, by Florence Littauer
Description: Nobody wants to be average, ordinary, run-of-the-mill. We'd rather be unique, inspiring, above average! Why continue to trudge down the middle lane of life when there's so much more to experience? Florence Littauer shares her formula for a rich life.
*For the Write Reason: 31 Writers, Agents and Editors Share Their Experiences with Christian Publishing, by Marybeth Whalen
Description: Drawing on the wisdom of experienced writers, agents and editors, this book offers writers of all levels a valuable source of encouragement and wisdom. By combining personal stories with an in-depth Bible study, you can delve into God's calling to write in your own life.
(My summer reading list would be much longer if I were to include all the dozens of children's books I read per week. How many kids books does it take to equal a REAL book, anyway?!)
On a regular basis you'll find me reading the following websites:
(and many local news sources)
So what have you had the chance to read this summer? What websites do you frequent and what do they say about you? I'd love to know!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Shocking Truth of #25

Did you know, for example:
Most have never seen a TV set with only 13 channels, nor have they seen a black & white TV.
They have always had cable.
There have always been VCRs, but they have no idea what Beta is.
They cannot fathom what it was like not having a remote control.
They were born the year Walkmen were introduced by Sony.
"The Tonight Show" has always been with Jay Leno.
But there was something about that #25 (about the birth control mehod advertisements) that hit me very strangely. Finally realized why... I HAVE MISSED A COLLEGE FRESHMAN'S LIFETIME WORTH OF TV! I have never seen ONE of those commercials in my life. Have I really lived in that much of a cave? (Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, I guess.)
As I entered college in 1992 (okay that dates me!) I didn't have a TV in my dorm room. When Andy and I got married right out of college we decided TV was "too addictive" so we opted to not purchase one. A few years later we bought a DVD player for our computer to watch movies. We have borrowed TVs to watch specials, Christmas movies, the Olympics, for family get-togethers, but it has not been a normal part of our lives. (By the way, I do follow "American Idol", just online instead.) We keep up on culture, movies, politics, and news through the internet, newspapers, and obviously- RADIO! (I do have to add that when I do watch TV and see how old some of the actors, actresses, and news anchors look, it shocks me because some of them I haven't see in over 15 years!)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
How to Make Money Without Money
1. Barter for job assistance. If you have a skill you can offer to a career coach (secretarial skills, administrative skills) see if you can strike a deal.
2. Volunteer. If there is a networking event/conference you think would be important for you to attend, see if you may be able to be a volunteer at the event. You could either receive reduced or free admission.
Also, check with local churches about available networking opportunites. For example, Open Door Baptist Church (N. Raleigh) has a Bible Study/Mentoring/Networking group that has been recently organized to fill this very need for unemployed men. Church Phone Number: (919) 847-6969.
There are many community and state resources dedicated to job placement and career betterment. Here is a link to the North Carolina Career Resource Network. http://www.soicc.state.nc.us/soicc/. This site includes a career interest assessment that you can do right from your computer.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Praying for Mercy Me and Josh Hamilton
For more about Mercy Me: http://actsnetwork.com/?p=528
For more about Josh Hamilton: http://www.startribune.com/sports/twins/52794237.html?elr=KArksLckD8EQDUoaEyqyP4O:DW3ckUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUnciatkEP7DhUsl
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A Late Bloomer...
As time went on the fuchsia pansy continued to bloom generously, while Micah's plant simply grew straight up... and UP! I was convinced that since Micah had planted it from seed, perhaps the bug had really eaten the flower and I was left with one mighty tall weed!
God gives us so many surprises in life. Oftentimes those annoyances in my day, such as a red light at just the wrong time, provide the best opportunities for my character to be shaped. On a larger scale, a side trip in our family's life plan for "ministry" has created more opportunities to "do ministry" along the way. When I am waiting on God I get impatient because I want God to do something logical. Instead God wants me to wait. I can often mistake what God is working on for a weed (a sidetracking inconvenience.)
As you can see, this week God finally bloomed that "weed" as it appeared to me since Mother's Day. Sometimes it takes patience to see the amazing plans God has for us! (Jeremiah 29:11)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Making Do... and White Shoes

Thursday, July 23, 2009
5 Painless Ways to Save Money
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Making a Difference from Your Computer!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Consignment Sales and Swaps!

I once received a great tip about back to school shopping- buy kids only one new outfit a piece before school starts. This outfit can be off the summer clearance rack because IT IS SUMMER. After school starts (October-ish) the fall clothing often goes down in price and that is a good time to pick up any other cool weather items and essentials for a child's wardrobe.
Friday, July 10, 2009
There is Always Someone Hurting Worse...
Someone without a paycheck helping someone without a home... The scenario struck me as ironic and so Jesus-like. Instead of sitting around a moping about her situation Angela is ministering.
Then there's Andrea Bigelow... You may have heard about her in the news. She's a former claims adjuster who lost her job and now she's widely known as one of the best cake and dessert bakers in the Durham area. She told NBC17, "We're still eating, we still have a roof over our head, we're still able to send our son to private school," she said. "Prayer works."
I know for me when life doesn't go the way I expected it to- even the way I thought God had promised or led- it's easy to become bitter and self-absorbed. People like Angela and Andrea inspire me because they are turning their difficult circumstances into something God is using for good.
Monday, July 6, 2009
A New Perspective on Life
As I saw Beth coming into the activity room I could tell she was quite a bit younger than most of the residents there. It turns out Beth had a stroke at the young age of 42. She went from the hospital to a nursing home for recovery. Her husband told her that since she wasn't there to take care of the cats, he was going to put them in an animal shelter. In order to save her cats from that fate, she chose to leave the nursing home- before she was really ready. Eventually her husband left her and she is now living back at a nursing home trying to recover so she can live independantly. Beth said that prior to her stroke she really didn't think much about God having a purpose for her life, but now she knows that God has preserved her life for a reason.
Then there's Esie. Esie was in an accident and is now wheelchair bound. Her daughter took care of her for some time until Esie told her to go on with her life and put her in the nursing home. Esie said, "I really like it here and I know God has me here for a purpose."
Both of these women would never have chosen to live in a nursing home before their time. Yet both of them have a wonderful perspective, God still has a plan for me. It was such a blessing to talk with them and be reminded that God has a plan for me, in my life today. If you are still here- God has a plan for You!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Forced Contentment

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Camping for Non-Campers this Saturday!

High gas prices keeping you at home? You’re not alone. This spring America witnessed the steepest decline in driving since 1942. Instead of packing up and hitting the road, here’s an idea for family fun, no further than your backdoor. The National Wildlife Federation encourages parents and kids alike to trade their website for a campsite, turning off computers, TVs, iPods, Wiis, MP3 players, cell phones and all things high tech, to experience a night with Mother Nature, listen for nocturnal wildlife (maybe even see a few), star-gaze, cook outdoors, tell stories about Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, and explore a whole other world right in their own backyard.
Last year tens of thousands of people from around the country participated in the Great American Backyard Campout, www.backyardcampout.org. You don’t need to go to Yosemite National Park to experience the great outdoors and the wonders it has to offer. Just open up your backdoor!
Where: Backyards across America
When: Saturday night, June 27, 2009
Why: This initiative is part of a National Wildlife Federation campaign to rescue our nation’s kids from what famed author Richard Louv calls “nature deficit disorder.” Research now shows that kids spend an average of 44 hours per week staring at electronic screens, TV, video games and computers -- for the first time in our country’s history; we have an entire generation that is growing up disconnected from nature.
Getting Started:
The National Wildlife Federation is providing everything you need to head out into the great outdoors called your backyard. The web site has packing lists, recipes, nocturnal wildlife guides, exploration activities, nature guides. Check it out at www.backyardcampout.org.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Experiencing the "Free Movie" w/ Kids

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Local Father's Day Activities

Monday, June 15, 2009
Heaven-American Citizen

Imagine you were born in America, but lived your life in another country. You'd hear stories about great Americans, perhaps watch the Olympics and root for the U.S. with pride, follow the movers and shakers of American politics and culture- all without ever having a memory of stepping on American soil. You're heart is American and the paper says you're American- that's what matters.
The same is true of our Heavenly Citizenship. We read about the "streets of gold" and gates made out of a single pearl- stuff that sounds amazing and crazy to us... yet that is home! If our names have been written in the Lamb's Book of Life we are (present tense) citizens of Heaven who are simply awaiting our final destination.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The [Christian] Flavor of the Week

Sunday, June 7, 2009
The Bargain Hunter's Secret Weapon- "The Price Book"

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Remembering the 65th Anniversary of D-Day
Saturday marks the 65th anniversary of D-Day. The National D-Day Memorial is in Bedford, VA- about 20 minutes west of Lynchburg, VA (or 3hours north of Durham.) The Memorial was built in Bedford because it suffered among the nation's highest per-capita losses on D-Day. Unfortunately, because of its out-of-the-way location and struggling economy, the memorial is on the brink of financial ruin. If you've thought about going to the Memorial (or are perhaps thinking, "Wow, I didn't even know we had one of those!") Now would be a great time to go before it's gone!
I think there is truth to the notion that people don't remember D-Day or the sacrifices of our World War II veterans as much as they did a few years ago. Many World War II veterans who had helped fund the Memorial have passed away. That seems like all the more reason to take our kids to the Memorial or talk to our children about D-Day, so the memory of their grea-grandparents stays alive.
The National D-Day Memorial will have special concerts, speakers, and appearances by WWII veterans on D-Day this Saturday. The facility itself is an outdoor museum that tells the story of the Normandy invasion in sculptures of soldiers and their leaders. Air jets shoot mini-geysers of water to mimic enemy gunfire as bronze figures of soldiers struggle for shore in a reflecting pool. Some 10,000 Allied troops were killed or wounded in the costly landing.
For more information on the National D-Day Memorial or this weekend's activities go to: http://www.dday.org/. (Photo courtesy of www.dday.org.)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
So, What's on Your Bus?

According to the Campaign, the slogan "espouses the idea that man created God as well as all religions, and encourages public and critical examination of the merits of religious belief." Members and supporters of this group say they hope that atheists will feel freer to "come out" because of having their belief system validated through this bus campaign.
What if Christians in North Carolina rallied to put one Christian message on Raleigh buses... What if we could put our denominations, social programs and politics aside to fund such a venture...
The "God Speaks" billboard campaign was very effective, but it was not funded by a group. Are we willing to be proactive in putting messages on our buses with our own money? By the way, if you know of someone who's considering starting a Christian organization with that purpose please let me know and I'll be sure to pass it along.
So what kind of slogan would be quick, to the point and effective?
*I Still Believe... in God
*It's Just a God-Thing
*Don't know God? Don't worry- He knows You!
*Creation speaks for itself... I AM GOD
*There is a God- He hears His name quite often in this traffic...
Please add your own... My Christian bus slogan is __________________.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Rotten Food, Rotten Faith

I couldn’t help but think (while I pondered whether or not to throw away the nuts) how that Christmas Cranberry container is similar to my faith. Those tracts that sit on my dresser just waiting for the “right occasion” to share my faith... Those days I’ve avoided a friend who needs Jesus because I’m afraid she’ll try to convert me to her belief system... I feel challenged somehow. What am I waiting for? My faith is sitting up there rotting on the freezer while people need to hear the hope of Christ!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Summer Fun- On a Budget!

With Memorial Day being the unofficial start of summer, I thought it would be fun to explore some of the cheap/free options we have right here in North Carolina for kid-friendly activities.
1. Full-time summer camps can be expensive. As an alternative, local churches such as Open Door Baptist Church (www.opendoorlife.com) have day camps that can be quite inexpensive. This church has "Power Camp" where students can choose either an "arts" or "sports" track- only $20 for the week (It was $10 during early registration!!) Another idea- town parks and recreation sports activities.
2. Summer concerts provide inexpensive or free music. Many communities such as Holly Springs have free outdoor concerts on the weekends. The free outdoor concert series starts tomorrow evening and goes through September. For more details, go to http://www.hollyspringsnc.us/news/2009/outdoor.html
Christian festivals are a great way to get the most music for your money. For example, Sonfest at Carowinds costs nearly the same amount as a good seat at the concert of a single artist. This year tobyMac, Brandon Heath and Third Day will showcase their talent at Sonfest. Read more about Sonfest, June 13th through our homepage www.hisradiowrtp.com.
3. Water! Whether its the fountain at Triangle Town Center or Falls Lake, there are plenty of places to enjoy free water fun. There are plenty of city parks that have pools- like Seabrook Pool in Fayetteville. It's worth checking on a season's pass if you plan to go often. Another alternative- buy your own round ring blow-up pool. It may be cheaper in the long run and will attractive the neighbors!
4. Take me out to the cheap ballgame! With the Mudcats and Durham Bulls, we are blessed with inexpensive ways to celebrate the American Pastime. Even cheaper- high school and little league games (and the little leaguers are the cutest to watch anyway!)
5. Take a picnic lunch to an unusual place. Need inspiration? Check out the book 100 Classic Hikes in North Carolina by Joe Miller. Our family just fell in love with the Franklin County Nature Preserve's Children's Bamboo Trail. There is a perfectly located picnic bench in the shade just waiting for a picnic under the bamboo!
Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend and let me know your own inexpensive Summer Fun ideas!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Recession Purchases.. How about Spam?

So what are you buying these days? We may be buying down or simply doing without in some areas, but there are some comforts such as chocolate that we seem to be clinging to during this recession. Other hot items: Spam, running shoes, gold coins and tanning products. (I guess it's because that trip to the beach may be out of our price range this year...) Read more about other items we're spending money on at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30781701/
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Famous One

Well one of my goals at the conference was to collect freebies (promotional prizes offered by the record labels at these meetings) and bring them back to my radio station to give away on the air. I got the scoop that I should attend a particular radio industry breakfast because “that’s where all the good prizes are.”
I woke up bleary-eyed after a late night concert and went through the breakfast buffet line. I was handed a large, black leather duffel bag filled with CDs and prizes and was content to eat my muffin and leave. I heard beautiful three-part harmony coming from the dining room, so I could tell I was noticeably late. As I was still deciding whether or not to leave, I was swiftly escorted into the room and thought it would be best to sit down. I clapped for the group (sister brother trio “The Martins”) as they left the stage and another group of three guys came up to sing praise choruses. There were screens on either side of the room with the lyrics and beautiful scenery to go along with the songs, but the music was unimpressive.
It wasn’t until the partially gray-haired guy with a goatee and guitar opened his mouth and began singing, “Above all powers… Above all kings…” that it hit me. My heart began to race. This was Paul Baloche, the guy who wrote this song leading worship right here and I was in his presence! If that was Paul Baloche, then who were these other guys? One by one they each had their turn at a solo. The fella with the strong accent (Worship Leader Robin Mark from Belfast) led out “Shout to the North and South… Sing to the East and the West… Jesus is Savior to all. He is Lord of Heaven and Earth!” Tim Hughes from England led, “Here I am to worship. Here I am to bow down. Here I am to say that you’re my God…” Two of the three had come for this event from other parts of the world!! I hadn’t known what they looked like… three music greats were standing in front of me and I was unaware.
Knowing the author brings value to anything, whether it’s a song, a piece of art, or the world around us. I know it’s easy for me to numbly go through the day without stopping to enjoy the sound of the birds in the background or the new flowers I got for Mother’s Day. Life brings all of us the most joy when we really know the Famous One who created it all!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Behind the Scenes with BarlowGirl

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Day #4 His Radio Music Boat Cruise

Jason McLeod (“Brock” the death crawl guy from “Facing the Giants”) shared his testimony and heart for ministry. He is one of those guys who has always been a “good kid” and even a leader in the youth group. He also loves football. Jason really did play football for four years in high school and went to college on a football scholarship. Interestingly enough he has left college because he feels the Lord wants him to go into ministry. (Right now “ministry” also includes a day job at a chicken farm!) He’s a really sweet guy and I wish the best for him.
One of the highlights of this week would have to be the artist question and answer session after lunch with Mercy Me, Audio Adrenaline, Pillar, and Fee. These guys are all “sharp” Godly men. If you think of it, be in prayer for the guys from heavy bands like Pillar and POD that have a lot of temptations that other Christian bands may not have to face openly. If it all works out I’m hoping to post a brief video of the Q&A (with my question) on the blog when we back on dry land..
Day #3 His Radio Music Boat Cruise

Anyway, yesterday was absolutely incredible. We spent the day docked in Nassau. After the morning breakfast buffet we visited shops around Nassau. It was great to meet “Greg” one of the local artisans who is a Christian and said he’d like to listen to His Radio online!
In the afternoon we visited the gargantuan Atlantis Hotel. For $6/roundtrip on a shuttle boat we were able to explore the hotel which includes an amazing multi-wall aquarium with sharks, manta rays and even scuba divers. (Really! The guests can scuba dive into this aquarium!)
In the evening we enjoyed comedy with 3-2-1 Improv and concerts with Toby Mac and Matthew West. 3-2-1 Improv was incredible. I must say that even though we got to bed at about 1:00 a.m. I was thinking about the jokes and laughing out loud when I should have been sleeping. (There is something about the idea of children playing on a giant playground-sized hard shell taco that gets my funny bone!)
Toby Mac and Diverse City always impress me because of their dancing, rapping and on-stage antics. There is no doubt that they put everything they have into a performance. It also makes perfect sense why Toby stays so young and trim… he has to in order to do these shows. I loved our close seats. In these small auditoriums there isn’t a bad seat in the house!
Matthew West was inspiring. He played all the radio hits: “Only Grace”, “Next Thing You Know”, “I Love You More”, and the current #1 song in the country “The Motions.” He wrapped up his concert with “The Cruise Song” about why food is his favorite part of going on a cruise. Matthew said he hoped to finish up a bit early so he could beat the crowd to the Midnight Buffet. I’m not sure if he beat the crowd, but I did find him there and was able to tell him how his song “The Motions” had inspired me to sign up for a conference for Christian women who are authors and speakers. It was such a joy to talk with him and meet his family. Great music, real people, and incredible food. ..It’s been a great day!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Day #2 of His Radio Music Boat Cruise

Right now I am: Sitting next to a late night ice cream and pizza buffet and getting ready to sleep. They just put fancy embossed chocolates that say “Music Boat Cruise” in our room. I feel so spoiled!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Day #1 of His Radio Music Boat Cruise

Right now I am:
Eating soft-serve ice cream, reading a book by Florence Littauer, and getting ready for a mean game of Scrabble.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Sacred Friendships of Women

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Eating Out On the Cheap...

Friday, April 24, 2009
And The Dove Goes To...
The 40th Annual Gospel Music Association Dove Awards were presented last night at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, TN, honoring the year's brightest and best during the LIVE, exclusive broadcast on Gospel Music Channel. For the first time in the GMA's 40 year history, music fans were given the opportunity to vote in two of the 43 award categories, "Artist of the Year" and "New Artist of the Year."
(I previously wrote a blog with my predictions about who would win Dove Awards and I have marked in red those that were correct predictions... Gee, it's obvious there's no "crystal ball" here! :-)
Here's a partial list of 2009 Dove Award winners:
Artist of the Year: Steven Curtis Chapman (chosen by music fans)
New Artist of the Year: Tenth Avenue North
Song of the Year: "Give Me Your Eyes" Brandon Heath, Jason Ingram
Male Vocalist of the Year: Brandon Heath
Female Vocalist of the Year: Natalie Grant
Group of the Year: Casting Crowns
New Artist of the Year: Tenth Avenue North (chosen by music fans)
For a complete list of this year's winners, go to www.doveawards.com/doveawards.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
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Friday, April 17, 2009
Brittney's Picks for 2009 Dove Awards!
2009 GMA Dove Award Nominees
SONG OF THE YEAR song title; writer; publisher (Dove Award given to the songwriter and publisher)
“Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)”; Chris Tomlin, Louie Giglio, Traditional; sixsteps music (ASCAP), worshiptogether.com Songs (ASCAP)
“Cinderella”; Steven Curtis Chapman; Sparrow Songs (BMI)
“Empty Me”; Chris Sligh, Clint Lagerberg, Tony Wood; Foolish Tool Music (ASCAP), Word Music LLC (ASCAP), Kindacrazy Music (BMI), Row J Seat 9 Songs (ASCAP), New Spring Publishing (ASCAP), Bridge Building Music (BMI)
“Give Me Your Eyes”; Brandon Heath, Jason Ingram; Sitka 6 Music (ASCAP), Peertunes Ltd. (SESAC), Grange Hill Music (SESAC), Windsor Way (SESAC)
“I Will Not Be Moved”; Natalie Grant; Nat in the Hat (ASCAP)
“I’m Letting Go”; Francesca Battistelli, Tony Wood, Ian Eskelin; Designer Music (SESAC), Word Music LLC (ASCAP), Honest & Popular Songs (SESAC), Row J Seat 9 Songs (ASCAP), New Spring Publishing Inc. (ASCAP)
“Mighty to Save”; Ben Fielding, Joel Houston; Integrity’s Hosanna! Music (ASCAP)
“Never Going Back to OK”; Matt Fuqua, Josh Havens, Brad Wigg, Dan Muckala; Smells Like Music (ASCAP), Screaming Mimes Music (ASCAP)
“Reason Enough”; Ernie Haase, Wayne Haun, Joel Lindsey; Bridge Building Music (BMI),
Psalmsinger Music (BMI), Ernie Sig Sound Music (BMI), Hefton Hill Music (BMI)
“You Reign”; Bart Millard, Barry Graul, Steven Curtis Chapman; Simpleville Music (ASCAP), Wet As A Fish Music (ASCAP), Sparrow Songs (BMI)
This is a tough choice. I'm torn between three songs that really got people's attention: "I Will Not Be Moved", "Give Me Your Eyes" and "I'm Letting Go." Natalie's song is the soccer mom anthem that I love to belt out whenever I know I won't completely embarrass myself. Francesca's song rocks because it's style is unique and she has such a great, strong voice. Since she's new, I'm going to save my pick for "New Artist of the Year." "Give Me Your Eyes" thought-provoking, timely, and it sticks in your head and can't get it out. My pick for "Song of the Year!"
Casting Crowns
Steven Curtis Chapman
Marvin Sapp
Third Day
Chris Tomlin
Because of Steven Curtis Chapman's endurance and testimony through the death of his daughter Maria I think this award will be given as a tribute to him. Based solely on the "artist," that's a tie between Casting Crowns and Third Day in my book.
Addison Road
Francesca Battistelli
Jonathan Nelson
Remedy Drive
Chris Sligh
Tenth Avenue North
Hands down it's got to be Francesca! She has a unique sound that's completely unlike any female artist on the radio. She grew up on jazz and it's apparent in her music. Two songs on the charts and she's a real winner. I'm a big fan of the underdog- so my underdog favorite is Chris Sligh. If Susan Boyle can do it- he can too! What a great voice he has. I love the song, "Empty Me."
Jeremy Camp
Jon Foreman
Ernie Haase
Brandon Heath
David Phelps
Marvin Sapp
Chris Tomlin
Are we talking best voice? David Phelps. Are we talking most popular? Chris Tomlin. So I'm going out on a limb with Jeremy Camp for a completely illogical reason- I like his style of voice, his fan approachability through his website, and his music best.
Francesca Battistelli
Brooke Fraser
Karen Peck Gooch
Natalie Grant
Sandi Patty
Laura Story
Can I just say I'm sooo glad to see Sandi Patty back on this list- It's been a long time. No one can deny she has a great voice, kind of like David Phelps in the Male Vocalist of the Year category. I'm going to give Brooke and Francesca a couple of years. Tired of Natalie Grant. So my pick is Mandisa. Great voice, she picks music she can sing well and hangs with cool people like tobyMac. Can't go wrong!
Casting Crowns
David Crowder*Band
Ernie Haase & Signature Sound
Mary Mary
Third Day
Two new radio singles and the cover of Billboard Magazine... not a bad year for Third Day. Love it! My personal favorite of the groups listed is Casting Crowns, but since their album "The Altar and the Door" came out back in 2007 I'm thinking Third Day has this one wrapped up. If this were an award for "Best In-Your-Face, Sin-Confronting, Marriage-Saving Band" (Fireproof's "Slow Fade") the award would definitely go to deep thinkers Casting Crowns.
Hope you enjoyed my picks and predictions. I'd love to find out yours. Feel free to leave your comments. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for listening to the "Drive Home!" By the way, don't forget to vote for "Artist of the Year" and "New Artist of the Year" at http://www.doveawards.com/doveawards/.